bachelors grove bachelors grove bachelors grove bachelors grove bachelors grove bachelors
grove bachelors grove
bachelors grove
bachelors grove
bachelors grove
BG Lot #56
Plot map Mount Greenwood Cemetery
Lot #350 Section #11
The Crandall Familyon
Plot Map
Mount Greenwood
Lot 328 Section 23
The Cool Family
The photos here show Lot #9 Section #11 where the Minard Family is buried. The only two headstones are at the base of the the tree in the middle of the photo above. The photos to the left and right are close ups of those stones. According to the plot map above there are no stones for the family members that came from BG but should be buried between where we were standing when we took the photo and the tree pictured above.
Plot Map Mount Greenwood Cemetery
Lot 9 Section 11
Four members of the Minard family we believe were moved from Bachelors Grove to Mount Greenwood on August 29, 1889. Only two of the burial records below show Bachelors Grove listed as the place they were removed from but all four were buried in Mount Greenwood on the same day and the staff at Mount Greenwood showed us that they all are logged as coming from the same place. This makes two MORE additional burials we think were not previously listed as buried in Bachelors Grove.
Bejamin Cool Was the owner of lot #56 in Bachelors Grove . Four members of the Cool family were buried in lot #56 until September 9, 1887 when they were moved to Mt. Greenwood.
The following burial documents show six Crandall family members reintered on the same day- June 6, 1895. We believe by what we know and have learned that all of these members of the Crandall family were originally buried in Bachelors Grove, two more than what was previously thought. The Webber children listed on these documents are the children of Electa Crandall, Mark and Elizabeths daughter.
BG Lot#25
The Crandall family Plot
Mount Greenwood Cemetery
A few families buried within Bachelors Grove Cemetery were reintered in the late 1800's.
The Crandalls, The Cools , The Minards and a few members of the Fulton family. Below are photographs of the reinterment locations and reinterment documents of those removed from Bachelors Grove to be buried with family in other area cemeteries. From the information on these documents and the office staff at Mount Greenwood we believe there ARE four more people originally buried in Bachelors Grove than was previously thought. The other interesting bit of information on these documents is that some of the Cool families birth and death locations are listed as Bachelders Grove and BaTchelders Grove.