Bachelors Grove Tee Shirt. Birthday Gift from a Good Friend. 2017
The sculpture here was made with the strange vines that grow wildly throughout the woods surrounding Bachelors Grove Cemetery. Made by Colleen Nadas in 2013 for Karl, the piece now sits in Karl's Living room and is a part of our strange little BG family.
The Shadow
Tinley Park Star January 14, 1999
Actual piece found in Bachelors Grove Creek
Photo of complete
forks for sale
on ebay.
As we crossed the creek where the old bridge used to be in Spring of 2014 we found a handle (pictured above) of what was at one time a civil war era three tine fork hand inlaid with pewter crosses (pictured right).
Civil War Era Fork
Original Ed. Pinaud
perfume bottle
Found in Bachelors Grove creek June 2014.
Ed. Pinaud perfume bottle top.
Ed Pinaud opened his first perfume shop in Paris in 1830. Over the years and through many changes, the shop grew into a world wide company. The company was featured in the Vienna Exhibition in 1873 after which Pinaud became a household name. Having participated in many exhibitions through out the 19th century help the company become a major exporter, especially in the United States.
bachelors grove bachelors grove
bachelors grove bachelors grove bachelors grove bachelors grove bachelors grove bachelors grove bachelors grove bachelors grove bachelors grove bachelors grove bachelors grove bachelors grove bachelors grove bachelors grove bachelors grove
bachelors grove bachelors grove
bachelors grove bachelors grove
bachelors grove bachelors grove
March 18, 2014.
The Red Snapper Inn mentioned in Bachelors Odyssey which we believe was somewhere around 149 and Cicero. Article found at SSGHS.
In October of 1959 Pranksters redirected un-knowing motorists into Bachelors Grove Cemetery with road flares. When police arrived at the scene confusion and commotion ensued. During the ruckus, as the bewildered people tried to figure out what in the world they were all doing there, someone shut the cemetery gates and locked them with a heavy duty lock. A professional had to be called in to cut the lock off and let the crowd out.
Sketch by Samantha Roe
Old spring loaded bicycle seat found deep in the South woods.
Cigarette lighter from a old 1950's car found in creek summer 2013
Lighter courtesy Bill Swinford
Mid 1960's-ish Mint condition Pepsi - Cola bottle found deep within the bank of creek .
The old fence post caps from the "1977" gate at entrance to the cemetery. Taken down due to damage in 2012.
This printing plate is on display at the Tinley Park Historical Society, it was found in the creek outside of Bachelors Grove Cemetery.
A copy of an actual Poorman advertisement.
The printing plate pictured below was found in the creek just outside Bachelors Grove Cemetery by a gentleman walking in the woods in 2013. It is on display at the Tinley Park Historical society. The plate was an advertisement for John Poorman poultry farm. Poorman came to Tinley Park around 1900 as a young man and purchased land near 147th st and Oak Park Ave to start a poultry business. Poorman revolutionized the poultry industry with the invention of his Chicken Brooder. The invention made Poorman a very rich man and his chickens won many awards through the years. He lived in Tinley Park until after the war when he retired and move to California until he died in 1955.
To see more photos of the remnants of the old foundations and wells click the button below to go to the Photo Gallery